The Checklist – The Hero of Every Successful Proposal

In this age of superheroes, thanks to MARVELTM and DCTM comics, you may be surprised to find that the Grants Management universe is not without its own hero. The Checklist resides in Proposalville and is empowered and responsible for ensuring complete and accurate submissions. In all seriousness, there is no...

How to solve the most common Grant Management challenges?

Effective grant management is at the heart of every organization that conducts research and receives funding to support that research. Whether the institution embraces a centralized model, where all grant management staff are located in one office, or a decentralized model, where the responsibility of managing aspects of the grant...

10 Reasons Why Grant Management is Important to Research

Research is a crucial component of advancement in many fields, and funding is essential to make these advancements possible. Research grants and funding play a crucial role in providing the resources necessary for researchers to conduct their work. However, securing and managing these grants can be a complex and challenging...

A Quick Guide to Grants Management for Grant Makers

Grants are awesome! They help fund projects, research, and initiatives that make the world a better place. As a grantmaker, you have the unique opportunity to support amazing organizations and individuals who are dedicated to making a difference. But let's be honest, managing grants can be a bit daunting. That's...